Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Exergy Analysis and Irreversibility applied to Vapour Compression Refrigeration System: Literature Review

Shreekant Tare, Sanjay Purkar

Abstract :

Every field of engineering depends solely and completely on power input, and thus the conversion of heat into work or vice versa. Most of engineers at some time or other time have been involved in the increasing the output in the limited value of input to a machine for the energy conversion. In every problem of this sort, more satisfactory solution can be withdrawn while taking purview fundamental concepts of engineering. Production Engineering, Mechanical Design, Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering are the four major basic fields of Mechanical Engineering which play great role in building the equipments, machinery and power plants to make the human life considerable and comfortable. Thermodynamics, as basically applied to heat engines, was concerned with the thermal properties of their ‘working materials‘ such as steam In an effort to increase the efficiency and power output of engines. Thermodynamics later expanded to the study of energy transfers in chemical processes and heat and work. At that time Thermodynamics was limited to the First law of Thermodynamics only which was expanded to the Second law of Thermodynamics and the Zeroth law there after. Entropy and reversibility is the outcome of the Second law of Thermodynamics. Refrigeration cycles are the major outcome of the Second law of Thermodynamics. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems are the most commonly used in almost all refrigeration systems. These systems belong to general class of vapour cycles, in which the working fluid, popularly known as ‘Refrigerant’ undergoes the change of phase at least one time during the cycle. The cycle on which the actual Vapour Compression Cycle works is Reversed Carnot Cycle, which is also called as Evans-Perkins Cycle. To analyze and enhance the net output of the complete cycle, it is essential to find the natural upper limit for the performance of the cycle. This limit is set by completely reversible cycle.

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Shreekant Tare, Sanjay Purkar Exergy Analysis and Irreversibility Applied to Vapour Compression Refrigeration System: Literature Review Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016

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