Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Evaluation of ultrasound parameters to study correlation between Placental Thickness measurement for estimating Fetal gestational age and weight in 2nd& 3rd trimesters.

Amarnath Ramprakash Mohan, Mohan Abhinav A, Rekha A. Mohan Ghule, Amarja Lavekar

Abstract :

Accurate knowledge of the fetal gestational ageis crucial for optimum antepartum care as well as successful deliveries of the babies. It is not only important for deciding about when a complicated pregnancy can be terminated but also for carrying out various diagnostic procedure which needs to be performed within a specific window of gestational age. While fetal biometry is being widely used for estimation of gestational age and fetal weight alternative means like measurement of placental thickness may be used for confirmation of gestational age and fetal weight when in doubt in situations like wrong dates or differentiate from at risk gestation-IUGR. We conducted this study to find out whether placental thickness can be used for estimation of gestational age and fetal weight in second and third trimester.

Materials And Methods:

This was aretrospective observational study in which 101 pregnant women in their second and trimester were included on the basis of a predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria.Gestational age and fetal weight was determined on the basis of bio-physical parameters. The placental thickness was measured at the level of umbilical cord insertion and maximum thickness was noted in the cross section. Statistical analysis was done using SSPE 16 software. P value less than 0.005 was taken as statistically significant.


In this study of 101 women the mean age was found to be 27.94 +/- 5.9 years. There was a linear relationship between gestational age and placental thickness and Placental thickness and fetal weight. A placental thickness of more than 30 mm was found to be associated with a fetal weight of more than 2000 kg. The mean placental thickness, mean fetal weight and mean gestational age was found to be 24.96mm, 959.40 gms and 24.03 weeks respectively. The mean placental thickness was found to be having a linear relationship with fetal weight and gestational age and statistical association between placental thickness and fetal weight as well as gestational age was found to be highly significant (P < 0.0001).


There is a strong linear relationship between placental thickness and fetal weight as well as gestational age in second and third trimester. The relation was found to be statistically highly significant.

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Amarnath Ramprakash Mohan, Mohan Abhinav A, Rekha A. Mohan-Ghule, Amarja Lavekar, Evaluation of ultrasound parameters to study correlation between Placental Thickness measurement for estimating Fetal gestational age and weight in 2nd& 3rd trimesters., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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