Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Evaluation of two types of antioxidants in the process of obtaining flours of tropical fruits Ananas comosus (Pineapple), Musa paradisiaca (bananas), Mangifera indica L. (handle), for agro-industrial use

Jose Vicente Villarroel Bastidas, Sandro Dar O Guerra, Lui Gabriel Pico Saltos, Leonardo Arturo Baque Mite, Luciana Coello Le N

Abstract :


This research attempts to obtain flour fruits Ananas comosus (Pineapple), Musa paradisiaca (Williams banana), Mangifera indica L. (handle Tommy) that meet or resemble the requirements of flour for human consumption established by the standard INEN, through the application of antioxidants (ascorbic acid and citric acid), and different temperatures of dehydration (65°C and 70°C). Was raised as an objective: to evaluate the types of antioxidants in the process of obtaining flours of tropical fruits Ananas comosus (Pineapple), Musa paradisiaca (Williams banana), Mangifera indica L. (handle Tommy). In addition establecercuál of antioxidants ascorbic acid 0.07% and citric acid 0.2% controls the oxidation in the conservation of the meal, and establish at what temperature 65°C and 70°C  is adequate in the dehydration of the fruit. In this investigation was applied a factorial design randomized complete blocks AxBxC which corresponds to twelve treatments with two replicas gives a total of twenty-four treatments. The studied factors were: as a factor to (types of antioxidants, factor B (temperatures of dehydration) and C factor (types of fruit). For the trials were selected fruits , proceeded to washing, peeled and chopped the same in slices to then be immersed in solutions of (0.07% of ascorbic acid 0.07% Sodium metabisulphite) and (0.2% citric acid and 0.07%  Sodium metabisulphite) during fifteen minutes, and then proceed to dehydrate at temperatures of 65°C and 70°C, once the dehydration of dried fruits were sprayed, to determine the effects that produce the twenty-four treatments the following variables were evaluated: pH, °Brix, acidity, humidity, ashes, microbiological analysis (molds and yeasts and total coliforms). The results indicate that the banana immersed in citric acid and dehydrated at 70°C reflected a flour with better results. 

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Jose Vicente Villarroel Bastidas, Sandro Darío Guerra, Lui Gabriel Pico Saltos, Leonardo Arturo Baque Mite, Luciana Coello León, Evaluation of two types of antioxidants in the process of obtaining flours of tropical fruits Ananas comosus (Pineapple), Musa paradisiaca (bananas), Mangifera indica L. (handle), for agro-industrial use, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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