Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018
Evaluation of the stability of post treatment sagittal skeletal changes after Twin Block therapy on Class II division 1 Subjects
Dr. Latheef Vp, Dr. Praveen S
Abstract :
Twin Block appliances are largely used for the correction of skeletal class II malocclusions due to mandibular retrognathism. Due to its patient comfort and ease, this appliance became the major tool for class II skeletal correction. Literature review on this appliance shows mixed responses, some claiming that the results are good and stable while others just put this as an appliance giving temporal acceleration in growth. Hence a study was designed to investigate the stability attained in antero posterior skeletal correction attained with Twin Block appliance. 30 subjects who were treated for mandibular retrognathism were identified. Average age group was 12.9[T1], 14.8 [T2] and 16.5 years [T3]. Pre-treatment, post treatment and a minimum of one year post treatment cephalograms were collected and analyzed. Results obtained from the present study showed that the treatment outcomes that were achieved immediately after twin block therapy was stable and that twin block appliance could be recommended in patients with sufficient growth with mandibular retrognathism.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. LATHEEF VP, Dr. Praveen S, Evaluation of the stability of post treatment sagittal skeletal changes after Twin Block therapy on Class II division 1 Subjects, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018
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Dr. LATHEEF VP, Dr. Praveen S, Evaluation of the stability of post treatment sagittal skeletal changes after Twin Block therapy on Class II division 1 Subjects, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018