Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Evaluation of Spatial distribution of Groundwater Irrigation Quality of Dindi River Catchment area using GIS, Mahbubnager and Nalgonda Districts, Telangana, India

Dr. K. Krishnakumar

Abstract :

Ninety one samples from different villages in the study area were analysed for analysis of irrigation suitability of the groundwater. The study area situated at catchment of Dindi reservoir in the Nalgonda district. Geographically the study area is located longitude between 78°19‘31.2"E and 78°54‘35.8"E to latitude between 16°50‘40.6"N and 16°11‘24.9"N; covering survey of India toposheet numbers 56L/5, 56L/6, 56L/7, 56L/10, 56L/11, 56L/14, 56L/15.SAR of pre monsoon and post monsoon groundwater samples are categorised as excellent. KR and SSP of groundwater in pre monsoon are categorised as good; and post monsoon 99 % groundwater samples are good and 1 % are unsuitable for irrigation.In pre monsoon 70% of the samples are categorised as class-III, 27% are class –II and only 3% are class-I. In post monsoon 44% of the samples are categorised as class-III, 48% are class –II and only 8% are class-I. As per RSA values in pre monsoon 94% of samples has classified as good and of remaining 6% doubtful characteristics has3% as well as unsuitable groundwater characteristics has 3%. In post monsoon 91% are good, 2% are doubtful and remaining 7% are unsuitable. In pre monsoon all samples are fresh water and in post monsoon 67% are fresh and remaining 33% are ackish water. According Wilcox in classification in the pre monsoon 1% of the water samples belongs to excellent, 7 % are good, 88 % are medium and 4 % are unsuitable for irrigation. In post monsoon 9 % are good, 81 % belongs to medium and remaining 10 percent are un-suitable for irrigation. Spatially, in pre monsoon only north-north west area has unsuitable, where as in post monsoon season central northern tip and south eastern tip of the study area has unsuitable groundwater for irrigation; remaining area has good groundwater respect to Kelly ratio.In pre monsoon season regarding SSP ‘Bad” groundwater has been observed at North West, south east and central south part; and in post monsoon same has been identified at north tip, central and south central part of the study area. Remaining area has ‘Good’ for agriculture use with respect to SSP. Regarding RSC in the post monsoon unsuitable water has been increased with respect to residual sodium carbonate in the entire study areacompared to the pre monsoon.

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Dr. K. Krishnakumar, Evaluation of Spatial distribution of Groundwater Irrigation Quality of Dindi River Catchment area using GIS, Mahbubnager and Nalgonda Districts, Telangana, India, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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