Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

evaluation of result of Proximal Femoral nail antirotation in respect of helical blade position in femoral head in dry femoral bones

Dr Anant Kumar Garg

Abstract :

The purpose of this  study was to investigate the biomechanically stability of this device in relation to two common position of helical blade in femoral head in unstable trochanteric fractures. In human femurs  bone helical blade of PFNA fixed randomly  in central position both in anteroposterior and lateral view in one group(C-C group) while the other group was fixed in inferior one third   position in antero-posterior and central in lateral view ( I-C group). Unstable intertrochenteric fracture was created and after fixation with PFNA

The position of helical blade is statistically different between groups. Angular and rotational displacements were significantly higher within the C-C group on compared to I-C group in both unloaded and loaded condition .Loading to failure were higher in the I-C group compared to the C-C group. No statistical significance was found for this parameter. Correlations between TAD, femoral head displacement and load to failure showed a significant positive relationship.

The I-C group superior to C-C group and provide better biomechanical stability for angular and rotational displacement.  .

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr Anant Kumar Garg, evaluation of result of Proximal Femoral nail antirotation in respect of helical blade position in femoral head in dry femoral bones, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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