Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Evaluation of Probiotic potential of Novel candidate Enterobacter avium strain against Chick faecal borne Alcaligenes faecalis

Vinothini V. M. , Radhathirumalaiarasu, S.

Abstract :

<p>Consumers and regulatory agencies have reduced or even eliminated the use of antibiotics in food producing animals. This created a need to find alternatives to maintain healthy and productive animals. Probiotics were employed as a good alternative treatment strategy through oral bacteriotherapy for curing many diseases of human and animals. The present work was performed to isolate and characterized properties of probiotic Enterococci. For this purpose the antagonistic activity of E. avium probiotic was evaluated which posses the ability to suppress growth of opportunistic pathogen A. faecalis associated with bacteremia and respiratory infections in chick. As the E. avium fed chick recovered and showed improved growth and body weight they offers a potential novel candidate for controlling infection in chick.</p>

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Vinothini V. M., Radhathirumalaiarasu, S. Evaluation of probiotic potential of novel candidate Enterobacter avium strain chick faecalborne Alcaligenes faecalis Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016

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