Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Evaluation Of Neck Masses With Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (Fnac) In A Tertiary Care Setting.

Dr C V Kulkarni, Dr Aksharaditya Shukla, Dr Sushant Tyagi

Abstract :

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) plays an important role in investigation of neck masses. The objective of our study was to describe ratio of different neck pathologies in our setup with the help of FNAC. METHODS: This is a study of 215 cases with FNAC performed from Feuary 2014 till august 2016 at MGM Medical College & associated M.Y. Hospital, Indore, India. RESULTS: Out of 215 patients with FNAC 204 patients had a conclusive result (94.8%diagnostic yield). Inflammatory lesions (58.5%) are the common pathology followed by benign lesions (26.8%) and malignant lesions (14.7%). 5.2 % had inconclusive results on FNAC due to inadequate sample and dry taps. Excision and incision biopsy had 100% tissue diagnostic yield with 33.5% were reactive lymphadenopathy followed by tubercular lymphadenitis which were 21.1%, 17.2 % were metastatic cancer, 14.1 % were thyroid lesions of which goiter was the most common, 9.4% were cystic swellings and 4.7% were salivary gland lesions including sialadenitis. In this study overall accuracy rate of FNAC was 94.06% with sensitivity of 88.64%, specificity of 94.82%, and positive predictive value of 92%and negative predictive value of 90.92%. CONCLUSION: Nonspecific reactive lymphadenopathy and tuberculous lymphadenitis were most common condition in patients presenting with neck swellings in our setup, followed by malignant neoplasms. FNAC is an easy and suitable investigation tool for the primary assessment of patients with neck swellings on OPD basis. Its diagnostic accuracy is variable and depends on multiple factors as compared to excision/incision tissue biopsy but still it is a good primary

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Dr C V Kulkarni, Dr Aksharaditya Shukla, Dr Sushant Tyagi, Evaluation Of Neck Masses With Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (Fnac) In A Tertiary Care Setting., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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