Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Evaluation of Aquifer parameters of the crystalline rocks of Dindi reservoir catchment area of Mahbubnager and Nalgonda district of Telangana state, India

Dr. K. Krishna Kumar, Dr. M. Sudheer Kumar, B. Umamahesh Rao

Abstract :

Understanding of the nature of aquifers and their properties to a great extent help in groundwater developmental activities in an area. Systematic studies of the aquifer characters give better insight into the existing groundwater regime. Aquifer studies can be used to have better well design to improve the yield.Pumping tests were conducted and the data obtained are utilized to calculate aquifer parameters deploying different methods developed by various hydro geologists.Aquifer characteristics can be determined only when the time drawdown and distance drawdown relationship is established by conducting certain pump tests.Main objectives of pumping tests are to determine the well functions and aquifer characteristics. The hydraulic characters can be determined in a particular area by conducting pumping tests.

 In Dindi River basin a total number of Four pumping tests were carried out at Venkatapur, Machinepally, Raviched and and Mahadevpur villages. In order to determine transmissivity, storage co-efficient. The transmissivity (T) values of the formations computed by using In Cooper-Jacob method transmissivity is varies from 3.7 square meters per day to 51.7 square meters per day; and Storage Coefficient is varies from 1.738x10-12 per unit area to 3.386x10-12 per unit area. The estimated transmissivity in thesis method varies from 3 square meters per day to 57 square meters per day; and Storage Coefficient is varies from 1x10-4 per unit area to 8.43 x10-7 per unit area. The aquifer here is sub artesian conditions with unconfined conditions and potentiality at the medium depths. The data revealed that in the there is good yield in the bore well that implies the fractures in the sub surface has been well developed in the sub surface.

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Dr.K. Krishna Kumar, Dr.M.Sudheer Kumar, B.Umamahesh Rao, Evaluation of Aquifer parameters of the crystalline rocks of Dindi reservoir catchment area of Mahbubnager and Nalgonda district of Telangana state, India, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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