Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Evaluating Musculoskeletal Complications Among Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus

Dr. Simran Maheshwari, Dr. Subhan Quraishi, Dr. Babita Ghodke

Abstract :

The competitive nature in the hospitality and accommodation industry is increasing at a rate previously unseen. The number of operations globally is increasing to accommodate the rise in travel required for both work and leisure. This has resulted in not only the expansion of chains and multi–national hotels, but given rise to a situation where small hotel and accommodation operators catering for a niche area of market are opening in increasing numbers.However, due to the competitive nature of accommodation establishments and hospitality environment, just as many are closing as they realise the challenges involved in the development and continued operation of an accommodation business. Many do not understand or successfully implement a sound and thorough process of hotel operations management. Without the correct systems, process and operational guidelines in place, many establishments will continue to struggle to balance the books, attract customers and eventually close. Even those hotel operations who have previously experienced high levels of occupancy and success in the marketplace are turning to accommodation and hospitality consultants to assist in the development of their hotel operations management. With the advent of the internet has come with it a notable change in how customers search for and purchase products and services in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, advances in software that is readily available in a cloud solution has resulted in the software previously out of the reach of many hospitality businesses is now a reality; such as point of sale, accounting and booking management software. Therefore, one of the key aspects forcing change upon the hospitality industry is the changing face of technology; and this will continue to do so for many years. Any process of hotel operations management, for a business to succeed now and continue to thrive into the future, must take into account the effects of technology and its influence on the development of the hotel and hospitality industries. Many operations, event the large  multi–national chains, require assistance with this, turning to experienced consultants who have a wealth of experience in hotel operations management to assist them with the implementation of appropriate technologies to increase their performance and efficiency in operations.As the customer is at the heart of the business as the well as the managerial process (if there were no customers, there is no need for hotel  operations management), an experienced consultant will integrate technology into the marketing and booking processes. This will not  only increase the competitiveness of the hotel in the marketplace, but make it easier for current and potential customers to find and book accommodation, as well as integrate the booking and payment process into the systems of the hotel operations management.

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