Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Ethnic Strife and Schizoid Tendencies: A Reading of Jeannette Armstrong’s Slash

Dr. A. Evangeline Jemi

Abstract :

The most distressing experience of individuals in a society torn by different conflicts is the feeling of estrangement or isolation. In an ambiance of ethical and cultural decay, many find themselves cut off from their roots, separated and lost. Having been truncated from a foot hold, due to communal pulls one fumbles in a state of utter boondocks unable to secure a grip on the forces of life. Society which has to be consistent becomes unfamiliar, bizarre, dangerous and discordant due to the tendency to bulldoze the individual into a faceless non–entity. It is this discriminating sense that causes loneliness and alienation. Alienation originates due to conflicts. Jeannette Armstrong, a native Canadian writer through her novels has ought out the discrimination and deprivations of the Native Canadian community. This paper focuses on the various powers and ideological divisions in society that keep the aborigines of Canada out of the mainstream and cause alienation.  

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Dr. A. Evangeline Jemi / Ethnic Strife and Schizoid Tendencies: A Reading of Jeannette Armstrong�s Slash / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:8 August 2013

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