Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015


Prof. Dr Kishor Barad

Abstract :

The case is a narration of real life unethical practices prevailing in the eye care treatment in New Delhi. Many private eye care clinics and hospitals have come up in New Delhi with the state of art infrastructure and eye treatment technology, resulting into hyper competition amongst the hospitals. There exists huge demand for eye care treatment in India in general and New Delhi in particular. Large numbers of people in India are suffering from weak eye sight and defective vision because of unhealthy life styles and visualization habits. In India people don�t prefer to wear spectacles particularly the youths, as it is perceived to spoil the looks and diminish the aesthetics appeals of an individual. To increase the revenues and profits, private hospitals adopt unethical and unhealthy treatment practices and duly exploiting the patients monetary.

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Prof. (Dr) Kishor Barad ETHICAL DILEMMA-A CASE STUDY Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 2 February 2015

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