Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2020


Alexander Antonio Jara Chavez, Carolina Vanessa Saldana Rodriguez, Carlos Alberto Lara Rueda, Maria Mercedes Rivas Duchi, Nataly Sofia Valdiviezo Allauca, Hugo Patricio Molina Montenegro, Maria Jose Paez Aleaga, Lizeth Estefania Guamba Valladares

Abstract :

Objectives: To describe the style and quality of life of a pediatric patient diagnosed with epilepsy before and after surgical treatment, as well as its evolution afterwards. Method: A retrospective study was carried out, a clinical case in a patient diagnosed with epilepsy since childhood, with an aggressive evolution in adolescence, managing to improve the condition with surgery. Results: A 13-year-old patient diagnosed with epilepsy from 6 months of age (3-4 crises per year), at 12 years crises are more frequent, reaching 5 per day (140 monthly). Surgery was performed to diagnose temporal mesial sclerosis. Currently patient without neurological deficit and without the presence of seizures. Conclusion: Despite the medical and social implications of epilepsy, there are currently alternatives for its control and treatment that they offer, including total remission of seizures.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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EPILEPSY: EPILEPSY SURGERY. CLINICAL CASE PRESENTATION, Alexander Antonio Jara Chavez, Carolina Vanessa Saldana Rodriguez, Carlos Alberto Lara Rueda, Maria Mercedes Rivas Duchi, Nataly Sofia Valdiviezo Allauca, Hugo Patricio Molina Montenegro, Maria Jose Paez Aleaga, Lizeth Estefania Guamba Valladares GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020

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