Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Epidemiology of Oro-facial trauma reported to a Tertiary Care Centre -A one year Descriptive Study

Dr Anshuman Swamy, Dr G. M Sogi, Dr. Archita Vedi Sood, Dr Jasneet Sudan, Dr Heena Sharma

Abstract :

 Introduction – Tobacco is definitely one of the killer vices across the globe ,with its killing prowess being probed in so many different ways . Tobacco is used in various forms in India and the chewable form is in vogue among  the northern parts of India. Pathological screening off patients coming with other lesions apart from oral cancer needs have been established to be linked wit tobacco use .With few documented evidence from  state of Bihar ,Being the premier institute in the Kosi region it was decided to explore the oral cytopathology and exploring the links with tobacco use of patients coming in Darbhanga Medical College. Objective: - The present study was conducted to know the various macroscopic and microscopic changes in tobacco chewers of Kosi region. Material and method: - One hundred individual suffering from various oral complaint coming to Darbhanga medical college (both outdoor and indoor) were included in the study. Staining of cytological smear done by Haematoxylin and Eosin. Study period – June 2012 –March 2013 .Result: - Majority of tobacco chewers of cases belongs to 40-60 year age group, predominantly male. In cases macroscopic lesion were leukoderma (46.66%). Pre leukoderma (33.33%), leukoplakia (20%) mucositis (26.66%) and pigmentation (18.66%). Cytologicaly normal smear was present in 74.66%. of cases, dysplasia in 16%  and squamous cell carcinoma in 9.33%.Conclusion :-  Our study reiterates the link between tobacco chewing & pre cancerous lesion. We recommend routine cytological examination of all tobacco chewers and if possible dissuade people from using chewing.

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DR RAJEEV BHARDWAJ, DR RISHABH KUMAR RANA, DR MANOJ KR PASWAN, A Pathological survey to estimate the outcomes in smokeless tobacco users of KOSI region, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-8, AUGUST-2017

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