Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Epidemiology and microbiology of infections in traumatic brain injury patients

Dr Raj S Chandran, Dr Saurabh Sharma, Dr Bp Rajmohan, Dr Anil K Peethambaran

Abstract :

 Objective: Traumatic ain injury (TBI) exposes a patient to higher risk of infections in convalescence period. This communication aims to study the epidemiology and microbiology of such infections.

Material & Methods:  A retrospective surveillance of the patients admitted in neurotrauma intensive care unit (ICU) of department of neurosurgery, Medical college hospital, Trivandrum, India; from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016 was carried out. Six hundred and forty patients of TBI were included, 498 male and 142 female.

Results: One hundred and fifty five infections were observed amongst 106 subjects, 80 male and 26 female. Their mean age was 47.9 years. Respiratory infections had the highest incidence rate (11.9%), followed by urinary tract infections (4.4%), wound infections (2.2%), meningitis (2%) and blood stream infections (1.9%). Most common organisms isolated were Acinetobacter (32.3%), Klebsiella (21.35%) and Pseudomonas (11.5%).

Conclusion: The leading offending microbes responsible for various nosocomial infections must be scrutinized institution by institution for delineating streamlined protocols. Significant morbidity and mortality can be prevented by adhering to these institutional guidelines.

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Dr Raj S Chandran, Dr Saurabh Sharma, Dr BP Rajmohan, Dr Anil K Peethambaran, Epidemiology and microbiology of infections in traumatic brain injury patients, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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