Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016


Dr. Aswathy Chandramohan, Dr. A. V. Rama Devi, Dr. K. T. Shenoy, Dr. Sheela Vasudevan

Abstract :

 Introduction: The study was conducted to evaluate the endoscopic and histomorphological features of GERD. Methods: A total of 79 patients were evaluated prospectively, in a cross sectional study, in the endoscopic unit of Gastroenterology department for symptoms compatible with GERD. In all cases, routine endoscopy and Los Angeles grading of GERD were performed. In each subject biopsy was taken and assessed histologically. Results: 5/79 (6.3%) patients had NERD on endoscopy. Los Angeles Grade A was present in 25/79 (31.6%) patients, Grade B in 10/79(12.6%) patients and none had Grade C or D. The most important histological findings of GERD were basal cell hyperplasia(67%), elongation of lamina propria papillae(60%) and dilatation of intercellular spaces(70.9%). Conclusion: The endoscopic and histopathological features of GERD were assessed in detail.

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Dr. Aswathy Chandramohan, Dr. A.V. Rama devi, Dr. K.T. Shenoy, Dr. Sheela Vasudevan ENDOSCOPIC AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF GASTRO ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE(GERD) Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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