Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Empowering Women – Fostering Women E- Preneurship

Dr. E. Eswara Reddy

Abstract :

 Self Help Group (SHG) is developed in our country for reducing poverty and enhances self-employment especially for women. Today’s women are more empowered and independent. History is a witness that women have always being subjected to animosities, like staying at home and looking after household, this has helped them to evolve as great managers. As we know entrepreneurship is all about effective management. In India, women comprise about 30% of corporate senior management positions, which is notably higher than the global average. As stated by Forbes India issue dated on 10th Dec 2015, the overall median proportion of female executives in successful companies is 7.1% compared to 3.1% at unsuccessful companies. We believe that women entrepreneurs have an edge over male entrepreneurs. Women are often better building long term relationships than men. Lasting relationships benefit business tremendously. This paper would highlight the following areas 1. Empowering women through training and technical expertise. 2. Creative industries empowering women. 3. Measures that promote womens’ economic development 4. Barriers to success and ways to overcome. 5. Major issues to be considered in fostering women E-Preneurship. It is our responsibility to create awareness among women to put a full stop for the hesitation and motivate them to join hands in entrepreneurship. Development of Indian economy is only possible when there is a long term vision and scientific approach among women who are future power of India

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Dr.E.Eswara Reddy, Empowering Women – Fostering Women E- Preneurship, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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