Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Dr. Kailash B. Yadav

Abstract :

 Education is milestone of women empowerment because it enables them to responds to the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. So that we can’t neglect the importance of education in reference to women empowerment India is poised to becoming superpower, a developed country by 2020. Woman empowerment in India is a much debated topic and a harbinger of challenging task as one need to acknowledge the fact of gender divide issues and discrimination against women as social malice since thousands of years. Empowering women aims to inspire women with the courage to eak free from the chains of limiting self belief patterns and societal or religious conditioning that have traditionally kept women suppressed and unable to see their true beauty and power educated women are capable of inging socio-economic changes. The constitution of almost all democratic countries, including India, grantees equal rights to both men and women. Primary education is now a fundamental right. When a woman (or a girl) is ensured of her rights, the society at large is ensured of its sustainability. Realizing the importance of women education, the government and many non-government organizations took a lot of projects to spread women education. Literacy programs are being taken in favor of women. But in Indian point of view From the Period Tulsidas to yet Situation are not changing comparatively to the developing country Tulisidas wrote in RamCharitmanas,"Dhol, gawar, shudra, pashu, nari, ye sab tadan ke adhikari” (Translation: Animals, illiterates, lower castes and women should be subjected to beating) Empowerment of women is a long and difficult process which is to be promoted with full public support and this could be successful only when those women living at the lower strata who have been suppressed by the male dominated society taking undue advantage of their lack of Education that’s why Mahatma Gandhi very aptly said “if you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate an entire family”. & Dr. B.R. Ambedakar said “Purpose of education is to moralize and socialze the people.” Overall in India if we want to see empowered women than it is possible only by education so education is one of the prime needs of women towards its development and empowerment

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Dr. Kailash B. Yadav EMPOWERING INDIAN WOMEN THROUGH EDUCATION: A STUDY Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-8, August‾2016

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