Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016


Dr. P. N. Harikumar, Dr. Susha D

Abstract :

 In today’s fast-changing business environment it is crucial for an organization to possess a highly qualified and motivated workforce in order to keep up with the fast pace of the market. The demand of competent personnel is increasing steadily, in particular for key-positions which require in-depth knowledge and expertise. But due to shortage of availability of skilled workforce, the employers are facing more than ever the challenge of switching jobs by its employees. Also it is becoming more and more difficult for organizations to approach and recruit so called ‘high potentials’. As a result the companies are found indulging in a “war of talent”. Therefore the companies have started showing interest to differentiate themselves from other employers so as to win this war for talent. The concept for the attraction and retention of skilled personnel called Employer Branding, which has become more and more popular in recent years. The employer and is a holistic concept of strategic and management from the field of marketing. This study served to elucidate employer anding (internal employer and image) in banking organizations and have a comparative study between private and public banks. The study presents the state of affairs of employer anding (internal employer and image) and a perspective view of organisational commitment in public and private banks.

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Dr. P.N.Harikumar, Dr. Susha D EMPLOYER BRANDING AND EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT IN SELECTED BANKING ORGANISATIONS Global Journal For Research Analysis, Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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