Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Emerging Trends and Significant Role of NGO's Activities-An Analysis

Ms. G. Nirmalarani, Dr. Pk. Muthukumar

Abstract :

The diversity of NGOs strains any simple way. They include many groups and institutions that are entirely or largely independent of government and that have primarily humanitarian or cooperative rather than commercial objectives. They are private agencies in industrial countries that support international development; indigenous groups organized regionally or nationally; and member–groups in villages. NGOs include charitable and religious associations that mobilize private funds for development, distribute food and family planning services and promote community organization. They also include independent cooperatives, community associations, water–user societies, womens groups and pastoral associations. Citizen Groups that raise awareness and influence policy are also NGOs

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Ms. G.NIRMALARANI, Dr.PK.Muthukumar Emerging Trends and Significant Role of NGO’s Activities-An Analysis Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 2 February 2015

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