Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Elevated Serum Cancer Antigen 125 levels in Peritoneal Tuberculosis.

Dr. G. Sonika Sharma, Dr. Ursula Sampson, Dr. J. Sivakumar

Abstract :

A 30 yrs, female presented withcomplaints of abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, eathlessness on exertion for 3 days.All routine investigations like complete haemogram, RFT, LFT, Lipidprofile, urine analysis along with CECT abdomen and ascitic fluid analysis were done. HbsAg was negative. CECT abdomen findings showed hepatosplenomegaly, cholelithiasis, adult polycystic kidneys, moderate to massive ascites, omental and peritoneal thickening. Serum CA 125 was 139 U/ml. USG report showed fioid uterus with gross ascites. Ascitic fluid analysis showed elevated protein with exudate.AFB was negative and there was no induration in Mantoux test. Ovarian malignancy was ruled out on the basis of USG report.ATT was started empirically and the level of CA125 decreased to 45 U/ml after one month of treatment.CA-125 levels can be evaluated to rule out peritoneal tuberculosis but we need further studies to confirm our findings. Monitoring of response to ATT can be done by using CA-125 levels.

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Dr. G. Sonika Sharma, Dr.URSULA SAMPSON, Dr.J.SIVAKUMAR, Elevated Serum Cancer Antigen 125 levels in Peritoneal Tuberculosis., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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