Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Elements of Basic Sentence in English: A Linguistic-Innovative Approach

Dr R Saranya, N. Maheswari

Abstract :


Nowadays, English is indispensable at this current scenario, because it has a predominant role as a tool of communication in the competitive world. Communicative skill is one among the most critical skills required for every human in any stage of his life span. In the case of rural students, communication in the English classroom environment is as difficult as any of the ways of expressing themselves. In rural schools found in Tamil Nadu, although English may be taught as a second language, it is used as the medium of instruction in all the higher educational institutions except one or two functioning in the respective mother tongue. Thus, teaching of English language based on linguistics is inevitable and ease learning of English as second language. Thus, in this paper, the linguistics strategies are applied in learning and teaching English, especially the components of basic sentence patterns, to the students; and the attempt involves explanation of the elements of basic sentences formed with its patterns, and most of the sentences in the exercises are based on the English language and its aspects which help these students not only develop their communicative skills but also raise their general knowledge on English and their academic performance as well.

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Dr R Saranya, N.Maheswari, Elements of Basic Sentence in English: A Linguistic-Innovative Approach, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-3, MARCH-2018

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