Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Mrs. Kogila. P, S. Linsi Anoja, T. Dayana, M. Divya

Abstract :

 Kangaroo mother care is a simple, easy method of cå for newborn infants where the mother uses her own body temperature to keep her infant warm. A Universally available and biologically sound method of care for all newborns, but in particular for premature babies with three components like skin-to-skin contact, Exclusive east feeding, support to the mother infant dyad. It is also known as “Kangaroo mother method” and “skin-to-skin contact”, has been proposed as an alternative to Conventional neonatal care for low birth weight babies. Therefore a A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on Kangaroo Mother Care among mothers of neonate at postnatal ward in Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Tamilnadu, India. It was undertaken with the objectives: 1)To assess the existing level of knowledge on kangaroo mother care among the mothers of neonate. 2) To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on kangaroo mother care among the mothers of neonate. A quantitative experimental study was conducted. The study sample consisted of total 25 mothers of neonate. Findings revealed that Variables like, age of mother, education, religion, number of family members, sex of child, occupation and number of children and monthly income were found to be non significant and the demographic variable of type of family and source of knowledge of mother are significant at p value 0.05. The maximum mothers of neonate were in the age of 25 – 35 years ( 64% ). Majority of the mothers had primary education ( 32% ). Majority of them were hindu ( 80% ). Most of the mothers were house wife ( 84% ) The socio economic data reveals that majority of the mothers belongs to the income group of 5000-10000 ( 64% ). Most of the mothers in nuclear family ( 76% ). Maximum mothers have knowledge through television ( 60 %). The mean score is 14.8 and the mean % is 58.72 % and standard deviation is 1.99. in this 28 % mother having adequate knowledge and 72 % mothers having moderate knowledge and there is none of the mothers having inadequate knowledge.

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Mrs.Kogila.P, S.Linsi Anoja, T.Dayana, M.Divya EFFECTIVENESS OF STP ON KANGAROO MOTHER CARE : MOTHERS OF NEONATE Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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