Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2019

Effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding prevention of complications among the cardiac patients admitted in various hospitals of buldana city.

Mr. Virendrakumar S Girhe

Abstract :

background :- cardiac diseases is one of the major complicated event in everybody’s life now a days we observes that maximum people suffers from cardiac problems and also meet with complications and the basic reason for this is routine stress, and once the patient suffers with cardiac problems he/she has to take lots of precaution including the medications, diet, exercises to avoid various complications because old statistics says that maximum people land up with the complications because of not taking proper precautions but those who takes proper care will be free from it, the common complications observed among the patient are stroke, hemiparesis, diabetes, myocardial infarction etc to avoid that the patient has to basically maintains the dietary management, medications and also regular exercise. Objectives: - 1. To assess the existing knowledge of cardiac patients regarding common complication of cardiac diseases. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding prevention of complications among cardiac patients. 3. To associate the post test knowledge score with selected demographic variable. Hypothesis: - H1. There will be significant increase in post test knowledge score regarding prevention of complications among cardiac patients. H2:- Planned teaching programme will enhance the knowledge of cardiac patients regarding prevention of complications of cardiac diseases. Material and Method: - in this study descriptive evaluative approach was used to collect the data, the design used was quasi experimental one group pre test post test design were used for the study. The study was conducted at various hospitals of buldana by taking total 100 samples those who fulfils the inclusion and exclusion criteria. For this study non probability convenient sampling technique were used to collect the data, a structured questionnaire were prepared on prevention of complications of cardiac diseases to collect the data by having the multiple choice questions the scoring were given as per the scores i.e. score 0 (zero) were given for the wrong answer and score 1(one) was give for the correct answer. Result and discussion:- After completion of the study it shows that in pre test there were 79% cardiac patients were having inadequate information about prevention of complication whereas remaining 13% and 8% were having adequate and excellent information about prevention of complication of cardiac diseases and then the planned teaching programme given to the cardiac patients regarding prevention of complications of cardiac disease to the patients admitted to the various hospitals of buldana city and after that result observed it depicts 0% were having inadequate knowledge about prevention of complication of cardiac diseases 13% were having adequate knowledge and remaining 87% were having excellent knowledge about prevention of complications of cardiac diseases, so it shows that there is significant increase in post test knowledge score after administration of planned teaching programme hence H1, and also H2 is accepted, and there were no significant association of post test knowledge score with selected demographic variable. Conclusion :- it shows that the cardiac patients were having inadequate information about prevention of complications and then after that planned teaching programme were given then there knowledge is being increase by 87% hence it shows that intervention was so effective, and H1 and H2 hypothesis accepted, and it also shows that there were no significant association of post test knowledge score of nursing student with selected demographic variable. So finally in concludes that the planned teaching programme was really too much effective to enhance the knowledge of cardiac patients regarding prevention of compocations.

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