Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding and attitude towards behavioral problems of primary school children among their teachers

Mr. Akshay N. Chavan, Dr. V. D. Tendolkar

Abstract :


Introduction: Teachers are in better position to detect the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems at the earliest stage in the school setting. This study aims at assessing the knowledge and attitude towards behavioral problem of primary school children among their teachers. It evaluates the effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge and attitude of teachers towards behavioural problems of primary school children. Further, it correlates knowledge with attitude of teachers towards behavioural problems of primary school children. Method: The study was conducted on 60 primary teachers from selected primary schools. Investigator prepared questionnaire and 5 point likert scale was used to collect data for this one group pre test post test study. Results: The pre test mean for knowledge and attitude was less (18.58±6.04, 40.47±8.52) as compared to that of post test mean for knowledge (32.78 ±2.99, 66.50±3.92). The difference in the mean for knowledge and attitude was statistically significant at 5% level of significance. Discussion: These finding are supported by the study conducted to study the effectiveness of structured teaching programme where the pre test mean was less than the post test mean knowledge score (14.82+ 3.37, 22.75+ 2.80). Thus the planned teaching is effective intervention.

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Mr. Akshay N. Chavan, Dr. V. D. Tendolkar, Effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding and attitude towards behavioral problems of primary school children among their teachers, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018

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