Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Effectiveness of lavender oil massage on pain perception and level of satisfaction during first stage of labor among primipara mothers at Public Health Centre, Chennai.

Sivasankari K, Dr. Jain Vanitha N S

Abstract :

 An experimental study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of lavender oil massage on pain perception and level of satisfaction during first stage of labor among 60 primipara mothers (30 in control & 30 in experimental) selected by simple random sampling technique at Public Health Centre, Chennai. Post test only design adopted. Interview and questionnaire method followed to collect data regarding socio demographic variables, numerical pain scale and rating scale on level of satisfaction. Experimental group of mothers received lavender oil massage at the back. Control group received hospital routine measures. The result shows severity of pain in experimental group was lower than control group at (p<0.001) and correlation (r = - 0.27) indicates level of satisfaction increases when pain perception decreases. The study concluded that lavender oil massage is effective non-pharmacological method to relieve pain during labor. 

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Sivasankari K, Dr. Jain Vanitha N S, Effectiveness of lavender oil massage on pain perception and level of satisfaction during first stage of labor among primipara mothers at Public Health Centre, Chennai., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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