Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Effect the Leadership and Role of Agricultural Extension Workers to the Preparation of Difinitive Plan, Needs Plan of Groups and Dynamism of Farmer Groups

Ait Maryani, Yoyon Haryanto

Abstract :

 This study was conducted to analyze the effect of leadership and role of agricultural extension workers in the preparation of the difintive plant of group (DPG) and difinitive need plant of group (DPNG) and dynamism farmer groups. The reserch was conducted in Majalengka, Sumedang and Garut, West Java since May till October 2014. The respondents were determined by using simple random sampling technique. The farmer groups in each district were selected 78 of 392 farmers for research respondent and 15 farmers for the validity and reliability test. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistical technique and inferential statistics such as path analysis. The results showed that only one of four leadership indicators that was carrier member aspiration, affected the preparation of DPG and DPNG. Whereas the indicators of agricultural extension workers affecting to the preparation of DPG and DNPG were spreader of agricultural products and impeller of increasing production. The variable affecting diretly to the preparation of the DPG and DNPG was the role of agricultural extension. Whereas the three variables (leadership, role of agricultural extension, and preparation of DPG-DNPG) significant ly influenced on the dynamics of farmer groups, more synergic the variables more dynamic the farmer groups.

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Ait Maryani, Yoyon Haryanto Effect the Leadership and Role of Agricultural Extension Workers to the Preparation of Difinitive Plan, Needs Plan of Groups and Dynamism of Farmer Groups Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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