Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015
Effect of Grommet Insertion With Concurrent Adenoidectomy on The Hearing of Children Having Otitis Media With Effusion
Dr. K. G. Somashekara, Dr. Amrita Suzanne Mathew, Dr. Keshav Pai
Abstract :
Objectives:To determine the clinical profile of persistent OME with heå impairment in children, and the effect of grommet insertion with concurrent adenoidectomy on heå as assessed by pure tone audiometry. Materials and methods:100 children aged 5–12 years,with OME and resulting unilateral/bilateral heå impairment were included in a prospective observational study.Clinical evaluation,audiometry,tympanometry and X–ray nasopharynx were done.All subjects underwent adenoidectomy with tympanostomy tube insertion in the affected ear(s) with follow ups at 2,6 months. Results:Mean age was 7.48±2.35 years.87% had bilateral heå impairment.88% had otoscopically abnormal tympanum bilaterally. Majority(68%) had moderate heå loss on audiometry (mean air conduction threshold of 26.78±6.94 dB).Postoperatively,statistically significant reduction in air conduction threshold was noted during the first 2 months; not between 3rd–6thmonth. Conclusion:Evaluation and treatment of children with OME as outlined in the study,is useful,safe,effective and thus still relevant in current daily clinical practice.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.K.G.Somashekara,Dr. Amrita Suzanne Mathew,Dr. Keshav Pai Effect of Grommet Insertion With Concurrent Adenoidectomy on The Hearing of Children Having Otitis Media With Effusion Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 1 January 2015
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Dr.K.G.Somashekara,Dr. Amrita Suzanne Mathew,Dr. Keshav Pai Effect of Grommet Insertion With Concurrent Adenoidectomy on The Hearing of Children Having Otitis Media With Effusion Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 1 January 2015