Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Ecological Contradiction: The Green Theory Critiques of Ecocide and Ecological future

Anil Kumar Dular

Abstract :

 The ecological vision which has begun to emerge as a practical theory of modern life is one which acknowledges the diversity of embodied value in the world. The ecological contradiction is seen in the uniqueness, diversity and viability of existent natural and cultural form in dependence of people and non human nature and all participants in ecological processes. The possibility of ecological reconciliation is affirmed as an authentic mode of existence in phenomenon of ecological crisis or ecological future for viable way of life. The conflict over ecological issues has a peculiar significance in democratic capitalist societies relative to class based conflict over distributional issues. The green theories and radicalism have potential to transforming these contradictions between growth oriented industrialism and ecological interdependency, secular, materialism, social needs and the quest foe mutuality contested by green movements in opposition of economic social forces. The ecological contradiction has the immediate consequences that human self interest cannot be divorced from what we pronounced as ecological perspective or consciousness of interacting elements within biosphere process and evolution.

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Anil Kumar Dular Ecological Contradiction: the Green Theory Critiques of Ecocide and Ecological Future Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015

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