Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Do Intellectual capital influence return on assets? - Evidence from selected heavy trucks industry in India.

Prof. Padma Bhaskar, Prof. Stella Mary

Abstract :

 Intellectual capital as the word rightly signifies relates to the concept of Intellect and capital. Capital relates to the value created by a business covering its human, structural and capital employed. It relates to the aspects that add value to a firm thereby enhancing its market value. The study was conducted with the objective of analyzing the influence of Value added Intellectual capital on Return on assetsfrom selected heavy trucks and commercial vehicle industry in India. The study was conducted to Measure corporate financial performance and value. The analysis is conducted on the Automobile sector of India. The sample consists of 2 automobile companies of S&P BSE Auto. Data for the study was collected from the published annual reports of automobile companies listed under S&P BSE for the period 2011 to 2015. The findings of this study illustrated that the aggregate measure of intellectual capital (VAIC) has a negative effect on ROA.  This suggests that focus of the company in increasing VAIC will leads to enhancing the market value. Therefore it is essential for the firm to understand the impact of the intellectual components and utilize it efficiently.

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Prof. Padma Bhaskar, Prof. Stella Mary, Do Intellectual capital influence return on assets?‾Evidence from selected heavy trucks industry in India., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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