Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Different Intenstiy of Aerobic Exercise on FEV1 of Untrained College Men

R. Sabarigiri, Prof. V. Gopinath

Abstract :

Aerobic exercise strengthens the muscles that are involved in respiration exercise that facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs. Pulmonary function among physically inactive men and women are probably the result of several factors. The most important of these in loss of elasticity of the lung tissue and chest wall as become age, which increases the work involved in eathing. The present investigation was conducted to explore the different intensity of aerobic exercise (high, medium and low) on FEV1 of untrained college men. To achieve these purpose sixty (N = 60) male untrained Bachelor’s degree engineering students were selected randomly from R.M.K. College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India. There age ranged from 19 to 21 years. The subjects were randomly divided in to four equal groups (n = 15). All the experimental groups were underwent aerobic (walking, jogging and running) exercise for a period of 45 to 60 min/day/4 days/week for 15 weeks, it includes warm-up and cool down exercise. Group – I high intensity (HR 125 – 150/min-RLI of VO2 max 51 to 75%), Group – II medium intensity (HR 100-125/min-RLI of VO2 max 25-50%), Group – III low intensity (HR<100/min-RLI of VO2 max < 25%) aerobic exercises respectively and Group – IV control did not participate in any special training [7]. Data were collected on forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) by PC USB Spiro 2000 (Spirometer) before and after the intervention programme. Dependent ‘t’ test was used to find out the difference between pre and post test. ANCOVA was employed to find out the adjusted post test means differences and Scheffe’s post hoc test was also used to know the mean difference (P<0.05). From the results and limitation of this research it was concluded that, fifteen weeks of aerobic exercise improve FEV1 of untrained college men. However, among the exercise group high and medium intensity aerobic exercise are effectively improved FEV1.

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R. SABARIGIRI, Prof. V. GOPINATH Different Intenstiy of Aerobic Exercise on FEV1 of Untrained College Men Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015

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