Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Diagnostic Value of Image Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology - A Retrospective study

Dr. Falguni. R. Shah, Dr. Jayashree. M. Shah, Dr. Vibhuti. H. Chihla, Dr. Shreya. R. Kavar, Dr. Bhumi. M. Shah

Abstract :

Background: - Image guided aspiration cytology has become routine procedure for any deep seated lesions in major academic institute. It is a simple rapid, noninvasive & economical procedure. Aims: - For diagnosis of unapproachable deep seated lesions and to correlate with histopathological examination. Material and Methods: - Details of total 75 patients with relevant history were taken in each image guided aspiration of various lesions. The study was carried out from year 2012 to 2014 over a period of 3 years. The lesions were of Intraabdomonal, Thoracic, Lymph node, Head & neck, Musculoskeletal & Breast. The procedure was conducted in Radiology department. Result: - Out of total 75 cases 36(48%) were males and 39(52%) were female. Age ranges from 8 years to 76 years. Region wise frequencies of FANC were Abdomen- 26(34.7%), Lymphnode-15(20%), Thorax-12(16%), Head & Neck-13(17.3%), Musculoskeletal-05(6.7%) & Breast-04(5.3%). In our study Diagnostic accuracy was 97.3% Conclusion: - Image guided FANC should be used as routine procedure in deep seated lesions due to high sensitivity & specificity rate.

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Dr. Falguni. R. Shah, Dr. Jayashree. M. Shah, Dr. Vibhuti. H. Chihla, Dr. Shreya. R. Kavar, Dr. Bhumi. M. Shah Diagnostic Value of Image Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology‾A Retrospective Study Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Iss

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