Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Design, development and performance analysis of labyrinth seal in steam turbine application

H. G. Patil, Dr. V. G. Arajpure

Abstract :

<p><p> Labyrinth seal erosion, roughness, steam path damages, etc are factors that causes steam losses in a steam turbine. Any steam losses occurring locally in HPT, IPT and LPT stages of a steam turbine result in more available steam in losses sealing stages. Recently steam turbine sealing system upgrade in research works has been important. Optimization of steam path design by increased number of sealing strips, use of high pressure aspect ratio and reduced seal root diameter, advanced sealing technology for radial and axial fins, diaphragm packing, optimized labyrinth seal design, robust new seal development are of prime importance. A performance analysis result indicates that the performance value has exceeded the estimated design value.</p></p>

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H.G.PATIL, V.G. ARAJPURE Design, development and performance analysis of labyrinth seal in steam turbine application Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016

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