Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

Decentralized Virtual VAPT Laboratory Model

Parag Pravin Shimpi, Prof Mrs Sangeeta Nagpure

Abstract :

Offering the students some hands-on experience, as well as the attacker�s point of view is a novel approach to teach Information Systems Security. The students will discover how easy it is to exploit unsecured applications. The hands-on security lab assignments will help students to develop and test not only computer networking and security skills, but also much oader skills, such as creative and critical thinking, problem analysis and solving, accuracy and being attentive to details. The distinctive feature of Decentralized Virtual VAPT Lab model is that it will actively uses highly efficient learning by doing paradigm of education and a �playground� in which students and lecturers can experiment without fear of corrupting or attacking the network of the college without any additional cost.

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Parag Pravin Shimpi, Prof Mrs Sangeeta Nagpure Decentralized Virtual VAPT Laboratory Model Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015

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