Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015


Dr. R. Velmurugan, E. Vanitha

Abstract :

 Satisfaction is a crucial concern for both customers and organizations including banks. Lot of efforts is being made 

by banks to offer high quality products and services to their customers. The banking industry like any other financial 
services is facing a rapidly changing market, new technologies, uncertainties, fierce competition and more demanding 
customers and the changing climate has presented an unprecedented set of challenges. Banking is a customer oriented service industry, 
therefore the customer is the focus and customer service is the differentiating factor. Thus, in order to survive in the competitive scenario, Public 
Sector Banks are in a position to satisfy their customer wants. In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the determinants of customer’s 
satisfaction. By adopting convenient sampling method 300 customers have been selected. The collected data have been analysed by making use 
of Chi–square test. The results of the study disclose that Area of Residence, Gender, Educational Qualification, Family Income, Duration of Holding 
Accounts and Perception on Service Quality are the factors that increase customer satisfaction.

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Dr.R.Velmurugan, E.Vanitha CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015

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