Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2019


Dr. Ishwar Lal Meena, Dr. Rajendra Singh Gurjar, Dr. Gopikishan Sharma, Dr. A. L. Bairwa

Abstract :

Background of study: Neonatal sepsis causes significant mortality and long term morbidity in neonates, especially for preterm infants of very low birth weight. Objective: To findout correlation between neonatal sepsis with serum CRP and platelet indices (platelets count,MPV,PDW). Method: The study was hospital based prospective study conducted in Department Of Pediatrics associated group of hospitals, Government Medical College ,Kota. Total 256 babies were enrolled who were admitted in NICU and showed signs and symptoms of sepsis and who fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria. Peripheral venous blood was collected from all the newborns for all laboratory investigation. All the data were collected and analyzed using software SPSS version 21. Results: Among the positive perinatal sepsis (26.56%), maternal fever (57.35%) and PROM (30.88%) was the most common causes. 66.41% were sepsis screen positive and 35.55% were blood culture positive. Serum CRP was positive in 58.20% cases, thrombocytopenia(<1.5 lac), MPV(>10.8), and PWD(>19.1) was present in 81.25%, 73.44%, and 69.14% cases respectively. Sepsis was occurred most commonly due to gram negetive organism. Most common organism causing sepsis was kleibsiella (39.56%). Among the CRP positive cases, 36.91% had blood culture positive. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of CRP for proven sepsis was 60.44%, 43.03%, 36.91% and 66.36% respectively. Platelets count was more decrease in LOS (p=0.005). Sensitivity and specificity of platelet counts (<1.5 lac), MPV(>10.8), and PWD(>19.1) were 87.91%, 84.62%, 79.12% and 22.42%, 32.73%, 36.36% respectively. When we combine all three parameter of platelets indices (Count+MPV+PDW), we achieve highest sensitivity (98.33%) and NPV (95.65%). Conclusion: In this study we conclude that the marker of platelets indices has higher diagnostic efficacy than CRP; the platelets indices had higher sensitivity, NPV, and PLR. High PDW, high MPV and low platelets counts are more associated with neonatal sepsis. So this study is useful for evaluating platelets indices as a marker of neonatal sepsis alone or with combination to pre-existing sepsis screen.

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CORRELATION BETWEEN NEONATAL SEPSIS WITH SERUM CRP AND PLATELET INDICES (PLATELETS COUNT, MPV & PDW), Dr. Ishwar lal Meena, Dr. Rajendra singh Gurjar, Dr. Gopikishan Sharma, Dr. A. L. Bairwa GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2019

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