Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Corporate governance –challenges and opportunities (An empirical study in Indian context)

Saurabh Doharey, Dr. Kushendra Mishra

Abstract :

<p>This paper highlights the idea and growth of company governance in India and analyze however company governance work as a and new approach of developing in India. SEBI pointers clause forty nine lays stress on company governance. sensible company governance is that the key to boost the long price of the corporate for the advantage of shareholders and different stakeholders. The pillars on that the structure of company governance stands area unit Fairness and answerability. so it becomes necessary for each organization to realize high standards of company governance. Corporate Governance isn‘t a science subject to immutable rules. it‘s a culture of relationships. This analysis paper, tries to review company governance with special respect to Indian industries. company governance is meant to extend the answerability of your company and to avoid large disasters before they occur. unsuccessful energy big Enron, and its bankrupt workers and shareholders, could be a prime argument for the importance of solid company governance.</p>

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Saurabh Doharey, Dr. Kushendra Mishra Corporate governance ĂƒÂ¢Ă¢‚Â¬Ă¢â‚¬Å“challenges and opportunities (An empirical study in Indian context) Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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