Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
Priya R.
Abstract :
Poly graph tests have been used in India to detect whether a person is lying when he is subjected to questioning.
The Supreme Court allows the test only of it is done voluntarily. The paper analyses the features, limitations and
constitutionality of the test in the light of the case of Selvi v. State of Karnataka and Article 20(3) of the constitution.
Some suggestions are also made so as to make the test viable
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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PRIYA R. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF POLYGRPAH TESTS IN INDIA Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015
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PRIYA R. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF POLYGRPAH TESTS IN INDIA Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015