Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Conceptualizing Employer Branding as an Effective Technique for Talent Acquisition and Retention: A Framework Based Analysis

Dr. A. Narasima Venkatesh, Dr. Geetha R

Abstract :

Today, due to globalization and technological advancements, an extremely competitive knowledge–based economy has emerged. Accordingly, the need for highly skilled employees has increased enormously in the market. It is an established fact that talented employees are considered essential for organizational growth but at present they have become essential for the survival. This state of attraction and retention of the talent from exceedingly competitive market has led to a war of talent. Furthermore, in today’s business scenario, employer ands have developed into extremely valuable assets. As everyone is obsessed by anded products and services, employer and has attained a position of status symbol and organizations are using their employer and to attract fresh pool of talented workforce and to retain potential talents. In order to create an appealing employer and organizations’ are investing huge capital on building and communicating their employer and to the potential talent. Given the scenario of “War of Talent”, developing a strong employer and image by an organization helps in a substantial way to acquire and retain talent. Having said that, organizations’ should exercise utmost care while developing and implementing employer anding process as it acts as a crucial game–changer to attract and retain talent.

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Dr.A.Narasima Venkatesh, Dr.Geetha R Conceptualizing Employer Branding as an Effective Technique for Talent Acquisition and Retention: A Framework Based Analysis Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 1 January 2015

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