Volume : IX, Issue : VI, June - 2020
Conceptual Study of Effect of Tobacco on Oja
Dr. Kapase Sachinkumar Vasantrao, Dr. Ganesh M. Adelkar, Dr. Anil C. Deshpande
Abstract :
Ayurveda has an unique concept of Oja which works as administrator in all body functions like organogenesis, homeostasis etc. Oja is present in the body right from Shukra, Shonit and Jivatma union. Oja plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis. To understand this we have to study the nature, properties, functions and disorders related to Oja. Individual with depleted Oja becomes so weak that even Dosha in physiological limits cannot make a man healthy. Ojovikruti causes various ailments that affect the harmony of body. Factors that affect Oja ultimately leads to various diseases. Tobacco leaves are Laghu, Teekshna, Ushna, Vyavayi and Vikasi. They have Tikta, Katu rasa, Katu Vipak and Madak Prabhav. Tobacco reduces Kapha, Vata and increases Pitta, relieves Shwas, Kas, tooth ache and Vata in abdomen (Koshtha). It facilitates downward movement of Vata and cleanses the urinary bladder. It is antihelminthic & anti pruritic. But tobacco with its properties which are opposite to Oja leads to Ojo Vikruti. Despite of having medicinal properties it is used to enjoy the pleasant feeling of nicotine rush. Tobacco poses enormous threat to public health. Tobacco causes heart and blood vessel diseases, lung diseases, reproductive diseases, cataract etc.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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CONCEPTUAL STUDY OF EFFECT OF TOBACCO ON OJA, Dr. Kapase Sachinkumar Vasantrao, Dr. Ganesh M. Adelkar, Dr. Anil C. Deshpande GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2020
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CONCEPTUAL STUDY OF EFFECT OF TOBACCO ON OJA, Dr. Kapase Sachinkumar Vasantrao, Dr. Ganesh M. Adelkar, Dr. Anil C. Deshpande GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2020