Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2017
Comparison of the diagnostic performance of CBCT and intraoral digital periapical radiographs in alveolar bone loss assessment.
Dr. Vasavi Santosh, Dr. Mitul Manek
Abstract :
Objective: To compare digital Intra Oral Periapical (IOPA) Radiographs with Cone Beam CT (CBCT) images in detecting and localizing alveolar bone loss by compå linear measurements of height, depth and width of the defects to analyse if use of CBCT is justified for assessing periodontal defects.
Materials and method: 35 CBCT images and digital IOPAs from the secondary database were assessed for horizontal and vertical bone loss using measurement tool and contrast enhancement features of the software.
Result: No significant difference was seen between the two imaging methods in terms of identification of pattern of bone loss, depth and width of defect.. 21of the 35 teeth evaluated had combined bone defects which could be detected only on CBCT.
Conclusion: The two methods were similar in detecting height, depth and width of bone defects. CBCT however allowed analysis of buccal and lingual/palatal surfaces improving visualization of the morphology of the defect. Hence, CBCT should be only advised for advanced periodontitis.
Keywords :
Cone beam computed tomography Digital intraoral radiography Periodontal bone assessment digital imaging
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Vasavi Santosh, Dr. Mitul Manek, Comparison of the diagnostic performance of CBCT and intraoral digital periapical radiographs in alveolar bone loss assessment., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-12, DECEMBER-2017
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References :
Dr. Vasavi Santosh, Dr. Mitul Manek, Comparison of the diagnostic performance of CBCT and intraoral digital periapical radiographs in alveolar bone loss assessment., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-12, DECEMBER-2017