Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018
Comparison of Post Surgical VAS Values in Surgery with Spinal Bupivacaine Anesthesia Using Analgetic Magnesium Sulfate and Ketorolac
M. Rizki Alfian, Asmin Lubis, Qadri Fauzi Tanjung
Abstract :
Magnesium sulphate is antagonists of the receptors of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and as a calcium channel inhibitor (Cachannel blocker). The aim of this research is to determine the comparison of VAS and duration of analgesia on the use of MgSO4 and intravenous ketorolac in dealing with pain during postoperative spinal anesthesia. This study was conducted by double blind randomized sampling method July - September 2018 at the Adam Malik General Central Hospital. The total samples obtained were 36 patients. The drug was prepared with the help of volunteer I who had randomized it (the researcher did not know the medication given). Recording and observation of patients on vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory frequency) at T0 (2 hours after anesthesia), T1 (3 hours), T-2 (4 hours), T-3 (5 hours), T- 4 (6 hours), T-5 (7 hours), T-6 (8 hours), T-7 (9 hours), and T-8 (10 Hours) after anesthesia. From the result, samples based on age and sex, patients aged 18-32 years in the ketorolac group were 9 people (22.5%), while in the MgSO4 group there were 9 people (22.5%). Patients aged 33-46 years in the ketorolac group were 12 people (30%) and in the MgSO4 group as many as 15 people (37.5%), while patients aged 47-60 years in the ketorolac group were 19 people (47.5%) and in the MgSO4 group there were 16 people (40%). Based on the age characteristics of patients, it was found that the data were relatively homogeneous (p> 0.05). Samples Based on Age, Gender and ASA PS, 43 men (53.75%) and women were 37 people (46.25%), with the youngest age 18 years and the oldest age 60 years, with average - average age of 42.9 years. In the ketorolac group, there were 21 male samples (52.5%) and 22 MgSO4 groups (55%), while 19 females in the ketorolac group (47.5%) and MgSO4 group was 18 people (45%). Based on the characteristics of the sample sex, it was found that the data were relatively homogeneous (p> 0.05) PS ASA 1 in the group that received ketorolac was 17 people (42.5%) and in the MgSO4 group were 19 people (47.5%). While subjects with PS ASA 2 who received ketorolac were 23 people (57.5%) and in the MgSO4 group 21 people (52.5%). Ketorolac has a stronger analgesic effect than MgSO4 in patients who have undergone surgery with spinal technique. MGSO4 can be used as an alternative as an analgesic for postoperative patients, but cannot be compared with ketorolac.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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M. Rizki Alfian, Asmin Lubis, Qadri Fauzi Tanjung, Comparison of Post Surgical VAS Values in Surgery with Spinal Bupivacaine Anesthesia Using Analgetic Magnesium Sulfate and Ketorolac, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018
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M. Rizki Alfian, Asmin Lubis, Qadri Fauzi Tanjung, Comparison of Post Surgical VAS Values in Surgery with Spinal Bupivacaine Anesthesia Using Analgetic Magnesium Sulfate and Ketorolac, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018