Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Comparison of different scoring systems in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis

Dr. Milind Parekh, Dr. Dax H Prajapati

Abstract :


AIM: to compare the different scoring systems in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP).

METHODS: We Prospectively analysed the database from consecutive patients with AP in VS Hospital between December 2017 and July 2018. Ranson, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE)-II, and bedside index for severity in acute pancreatitis (BISAP) scores of all patients were calculated. Predictive accuracy of scoreswere measured by different statistical analysis.

RESULTS: Of 60 patients, 7 (12%) were classified as severe AP, and 1 (1.9%) died. Statistically significant cutoff values for prediction of severe AP were Ranson ≥ 3, BISAP ≥ 2, APACHE-II ≥ 8, Negative predictive value is almost same in all where sensitivity are 86 %, 61.9 % and 81 % in RANSON, BISAP  and APACHE scores. No statistically significant pairwise differences were observed between APACHE-II and the other scoring systems22.

CONCLUSION: Various scoring systems showed similar predictive accuracy for severity of AP. Unique models are needed in order to achieve further improvement of prognostic accuracy.

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Comparison of different scoring systems in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis , Dr. Milind Parekh, Dr. Dax H Prajapati , GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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