Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015
Dr. Sandip Sankar Ghosh, Mr. Buddhadev Nanda Goswami
Abstract :
The purpose of conducting the present study was to investigate the differences in physical fitness between the children belongs to hill area and costal area of west Bengal. The sample for this study consisted of 54 boys’ students from hill are and 60 boys’ students from coastal area of west Bengal in India. A total of 114 school boys’ were chosen to participate as subjects in the present study. The age group of the subjects was ranged from 12 – 14 years. In the present study standing height, body weight and body mass index (BMI) were used as anthropometric measures. Five components of physical fitness (four performance related and one health-related) were tested. These included 20-meter dash (as a measure of movement speed), standing long jump (as a measure of explosive power), sit and reach (as a measure of lower back/upper thigh flexibility), bent knee sit-ups completed in 60 seconds (as a measure of abdominal strength and endurance) and 600m distance run (as a measure of cardio respiratory-endurance). Mean and standard deviation of each variable were calculated. The means of respective variables between two groups were compared by using t-test. Statistical significance was tested at 0.05 level of confidence. For statistical calculations Excel Spread Sheet of windows version 7 was used. The results of the study showed that the Weight and BMI of the coastal area school students were significantly higher than the hill area school students. It also found that the SLJ (standing long jump), SAR (sit and reach) and Sit-up, 600m run time of the hill area school students were significantly better than the coastal area school students. On the other hand, coastal area school students taking significantly less time to complete the 20m.-dash than the hill area school students. This may happen due to the difference of life style, geographical hindrances in daily living, socioeconomic status and scope of physical activity between the children of two separate geographical areas.
Keywords :
Health-related physical fitness hill area costal area BMI Dash (20-meter run) SLJ (standing long jump) SAR (sit and reach) and Sit-up.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Sandip Sankar Ghosh, Mr. Buddhadev Nanda Goswami Comparison of Basic Fitness Status Between The Children Belongs to Hill Area and Coastal Area of West Bengal Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015
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Dr. Sandip Sankar Ghosh, Mr. Buddhadev Nanda Goswami Comparison of Basic Fitness Status Between The Children Belongs to Hill Area and Coastal Area of West Bengal Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015