Volume : XI, Issue : XI, November - 2022

Comparison Of Basal-Cell Specific Markers - P63 And 34betae12 In Prostatic Glandular Proliferations

Dr. Ningthibi Jessica Akoijam, Dr. Laishram Deepak Kumar, Dr. Sushma Khuraijam, Dr. Akoijam Kaku, Dr. Alpana Laisom

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COMPARISON OF BASAL-CELL SPECIFIC MARKERS‾P63 AND 34BETAE12 IN PROSTATIC GLANDULAR PROLIFERATIONS, Dr. Ningthibi Jessica Akoijam, Dr. Laishram Deepak Kumar, Dr. Sushma Khuraijam, Dr. Akoijam Kaku, Dr. Alpana Laisom GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-11 | Issue-11 | November-2022

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