Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017
Comparative study to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of iorn deficiency anemia of under five children selected of urban and rural areas of Wardha
Ms. Archana Taksande
Abstract :
Background: Iorn deficiency anemia is the most common hematologic disorder of infancy & childhood . It is caused by lack of sufficient iron for the synthesis of heamoglobin. The most frequent cause of anemia in children is iron deficiency. It causes microcytic hypochromic anemia .The factors responsible for this condition are , inadequate iron storage during intrauterine period , prematurity , twin baby , maternal anemia & inadequate iorn intake in diet due to prolonged eastfeeding or feeding with cow’s milk, delayed weaning, ignorance about child care, poverty etc. The disease conditions which can result iron deficiency anemia include diarrheal diseases , infections , malabsorption syndrome , hookworm infestations & chronic illnesses. Objectives: 1.To assess the knowledge of urban mothers regarding the prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia in under five children. 2. To assess the knowledge of rural mothers regarding the prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia in under five children. 3. To correlate the knowledge regarding prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia in under five children among urban and rural mothers. Materials and Methods: - Tool used for the study is structured knowledge questionnaire. Design: Comparative Descriptive Design . Sample size: 100 subjects. Sample: Mothers of under five children. Setting: Urban & Rural areas at wardha. Sampling technique:Non probability convenience sampling. Results: The study shows that 36% of women from rural area and 4% from urban area had poor level of knowledge score, 62% from rural area and 36% from urban area had averge, 2% from rural area and 54% from urban area had good and 6% from urban area had excellent level of knowledge score. Mean knowledge score of the women from rural area was 7.120±2.41 and for urban area it was 13.56±3.47. The overall comparison of knowledge score of womens from rural and urban area which reveals that womens from urban area had highest knowledge score of 13.56 with SD of ±3.47 when compared with womens from rural area knowledge score value which was 7.12 with SD of ±2.41. In rural areas occupational status was found to be associated with knowledge of mothers of under five children. None of the other variables were found significantly related with knowledge of mothers of under five children. Conclusion- Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common problem among under five age children The main aim of the study was assess the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of iorn deficiency anemia of under five children , Where there are vulnerable groups and underprevillaged populations and needs intervention through educational programme or handouts.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ms. Archana Taksande, Comparative study to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of iorn deficiency anemia of under five children selected of urban and rural areas of Wardha, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017
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Ms. Archana Taksande, Comparative study to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of iorn deficiency anemia of under five children selected of urban and rural areas of Wardha, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017