Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Comparative Study on Soil Stabilization by Utilizing Lime and Shredded Rubber Tire

Tanveer Asif Zerdi, Pranesh, Pallavi, Siddappa

Abstract :

 Shredded rubber ties are causing major environmental effects; its utilization for some constructive cause will be a eakthrough in order to prevent the disastrous effects of shredded rubbers. These shredded rubbers can be reused for soil stabilization to develop the strength of the soil. Construction of structure on weak soil is considered unsafe. Improvement of load beå capacity of the soil may be undertaken by a variety of ground improvement techniques. Since the black cotton soil is extremely weak in strength and highly expansive and contractive in nature. And lime which is in enormous quantum is available in Hyderabad Karnataka area where authors belong to. And it is very problematic for civil Engineers to construct structures over B C Soil. In this study shredded rubber and lime with varying of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% (rubber) and 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% (lime) are used. Usage of shredded rubber tire and lime helps in geotechnical engineering for enhancing the soil properties. In this present investigation behavior of pavement subgrade is improved by soil stabilization with shredded rubber tire and lime. It is found that the maximum value of CBR is got at 3% in shredded rubber and 2% in lime. This study shows that rubber is good material for increasing the soil strength for sub-grade. The low and high strength compressible soft soil was found to get improved by addition of shredded rubber tire and lime.

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Tanveer asif zerdi, Pranesh, Pallavi, Siddappa Comparative Study on Soil Stabilization by Utilizing Lime and Shredded Rubber Tire Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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