Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016
Comparative study of the teachers under training and teachers in service with the locus of control
Jagvinder Singh, Dr. A. K. Kansal
Abstract :
The present paper on locus of control among teachers under training and teachers in service in relation to their gender differences between student teachers and teachers in service of 600 teachers were selected randomly; out of which 300 were student teachers (B.Ed. students) and 300 were the working teachers. Out of this sample 150 were male and 150 were female teachers under training and similarly 150 were male and 150 were female school teachers and data was collected by using by Dr. Hasnain and Dr. Joshi. t-test was used to analyzed the data, from the data it is found that Teachers under training and teachers in service differed each other on the external locus of control and not on the internal LOC. Male and female teachers under training also differed on external and total locus of control and not on internal LOC.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Jagvinder Singh, Dr. A.K. Kansal Comparative study of the teachers under training and
teachers in service with the locus of control Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016
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Jagvinder Singh, Dr. A.K. Kansal Comparative study of the teachers under training and teachers in service with the locus of control Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016