Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016
Dr. Bharat Kumar Suthar, Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. Narinder Singh
Abstract :
Shalya tantra mentioned among eight anches of Ayurveda which deals principally surgical disorders. The fissure-inano is very common and painful condition still there is no satisfactory method of treatment, medical or surgical. On the basis of symptoms, the disease can be compared with Parikartika described in Ayurveda. According to Ayurvedic literature, there are several methods of treatment among them Bhaisaja Karma is the first line of treatment. In this study, an effort is made to derive a standard and easily accessible treatment for fissure-in-ano from classical resources. Paradadi Malahar is having ingredients with Vrana Sodhana-Ropana properties & Pranada gutika is having ingredients with deepana and pachana properties. These are time tested classical formulation, so selected for the clinical evaluation in this study. The patients diagnosed and selected for the therapy were put into 2 groups, 20 in each group. The treatment was accessed with observation and results for a period of four weeks. It was observed that the results achieved in both groups are effective and stable during follow up period too
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Bharat Kumar Suthar, Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. Narinder Singh COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PRANADA GUTIKA AND PARADADI MALAHAR IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FISSURE-IN-ANO Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, Octo
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Dr. Bharat Kumar Suthar, Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. Narinder Singh COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PRANADA GUTIKA AND PARADADI MALAHAR IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FISSURE-IN-ANO Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, Octo