Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017
Comparative study of G.I.T carcinoma in tribal and non-tribal population of Jharkhand coming to RIMS, Ranchi
Dr. Alok Kumar, Dr. Kamlesh Prasad Sinha, Dr. Ratna Chaudhary, Dr. Mohit Pradhan
Abstract :
A great evidence is now available to show that rise in the incidence of GIT carcinoma.[1] It varies from race to race and place to place as per time.[1] The incidence among the tribal population is higher than non-tribal population. It is evident therefore that environmental factors, food habits and excess consumption of alcohol and tobacco play an important role in the development of GIT cancer, that may be preventable.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Alok Kumar, Dr. Kamlesh Prasad Sinha, Dr. Ratna Chaudhary, Dr. Mohit Pradhan, Comparative study of G.I.T carcinoma in tribal and non-tribal population of Jharkhand coming to RIMS, Ranchi, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-8, AUGUST-2017
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Dr. Alok Kumar, Dr. Kamlesh Prasad Sinha, Dr. Ratna Chaudhary, Dr. Mohit Pradhan, Comparative study of G.I.T carcinoma in tribal and non-tribal population of Jharkhand coming to RIMS, Ranchi, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-8, AUGUST-2017